While Luke and Charlie came to visit us, we were introduced to Geotrax by Fisher Price Toy company. Luke has such a love of trains and these Geotrax are perfect for little ones ages 2-7 years old. He talked non stop about his Geotrax set at home, so gramma had to go to the local store and get a couple of sets and set them up in our family room.
Luke and Charlie have gone home now, but Isaac came to stay a couple days and nights with us while his mommy and daddy went to Utah this weekend. Now he is enjoying the Geotrax train set, too. Yesterday, cousin Wyatt and a friend, David Martin came for lunch with Isaac and they played with the trains. Uncle Hans enjoys them, too, and has set up some great layouts. He and Isaac have fun playing tag with their two remote control trains
Thanks Luke, for teaching us about Geotrax. We enjoy them now, too, but we miss you!